
Everything you need to know about our Company

Welcome to Sunspot Pictures

Your Partners in Production Start Browsing

WORK / Play

Confucious said, "Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life." If that is the case, we play very hard. Sunspot Pictures is a Birmingham-based production company that has worked coast to coast to coast on commercial clients of all kinds, but with a strong healthcare specialty. Perhaps it is because of director David Brower's knack for the compassionate, emotional and moving imagery. But that, and a wry sense of humor can work for many different clients, as evidenced by the work you can see here.


Rick Pennington and David Brower have worked together for two decades, forming a team that doesn't fluster and doesn't drop the ball, delivering on the mission whatever the budget. Along with our core of freelancers we have an unbeatable crew to make your experience not only painless, but a pleasure.


Sunspot Pictures' philosophy is one of collaboration. Our primary clients are advertising agencies and they have a vision for their client that is born out of research and an intimate knowledge of the client's business and their market strategies. Our job as we see it, is to combine our skills with the agency knowledge of the client to bring that vision to the screen, on budget, and on time. Problem solvers to our core, we look for the most creative solutions to whatever the challenge is, and we love doing it.
Rick Pennington

Rick Pennington

Executive Producer
Rick also brings his experience as a photojournalist, agency producer, interviewer, director, and an accomplished commercial editor to the process.
David Brower

David Brower

Director / Cameraman
Though he has never been asked, David has a degree from Columbia College Chicago, and has been freelancing in the commercial and film industry since he was twenty years old.